
Our Sunday services are at 9:00 am, and include both traditional and innovative prayers, full sermon, loving community, the Holy Eucharist, and music that feeds the soul. We offer our Sunday service both in person and online.

Use this link to join our online service:

Zoom Service

Call in number: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 140-144-067#
Password: 208580#

We also offer online Compline, every Monday-Thursday at 8pm. Click this link to join for a half hour of community connection and bedtime prayers:


We believe worship of God is the core of our life in community. We provide opportunities for devotion that are relevant and current, while honoring the deep and abiding liturgical traditions of the Episcopal Church. We commit to gathering around the altar and, sustained by the Eucharist, living out the dismissal’s demand to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”

Our second core value calls us to a ministry of worship and prayer. In its liturgical life, All Saints’ Church invites all to join together in acknowledging the holiness and unconditional love of God, hearing God's Word, offering prayer, and celebrating the sacraments. In a spirit of openness to God and with each other, we appreciate and explore a variety of ways to gather in community. We value music as an integral path to God. We are deeply committed to making sustaining connections between worship and everyday life, so that those who gather around the altar find solace and strength, pardon and renewal.

Our worship is supported by the work of many lay ministers. Adults, teens, and children serve as readers, ushers, acolytes, and oblation bearers, as members of the choir, contemporary music group and children’s choir, as altar guild and flower guild members, as Eucharistic ministers and healing ministers, as hosts for coffee hour and other special receptions. Vibrant, God-centered worship inspires and sustains ordained and lay ministers and brings more volunteers into these rewarding and essential positions.

We endeavor to offer and celebrate Christ-centered worship so that seekers experience welcome and all are nourished as we stand in the presence of the living God for the life of the world. This worship, owned and participated in by all at different levels, embraces a range of expression from the intimate to the transcendent.